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Relentlessly waging peace since 2010

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About Us

The Kinder Life Foundation is a welcoming, inclusive, non-denominational spiritually-centered organization, dedicated to promoting personal and global peace. Our members, called The Kinder Life Community, recognize the sanctity and interconnectedness of all life.


 Since 2010, we’ve promoted individual and collective peace, health, harmony, creativity, and joy, through classes, public talks, silent retreats, and weekly meditations and Sunday satsangs; a Sanskrit word meaning “in the company of truth”

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Join us Tuesdays at 7pm PST, in person or online, for community and guided meditation

Our Beliefs and Principles

One of our most important beliefs is that you don’t have to believe the same things we do to be welcome in our Community and in our lives. We believe in infinite unconditionally-loving Divine Presence. We believe that everyone’s spiritual journey is unique and that every unique path is a valid path Home. For us, Home, means feeling peaceful, grateful, and content with one’s own relationship with the Divine, however one may conceptualize Divinity. Without dogma, rules, or judgment, we accept, and strive to live by, enduring spiritual principles and values, including unconditional love, humility, kindness and service to all, and the resolution of conflict through communication, empathy, compassion, and collegiality. The views shared by the original founding Community guide our programs and practices. We believe that every aspect of creation comprises a totality that we call the Divine or, sometimes, God. We do not see the Divine as a consciousness separate from us but, rather, as the totality of all that is seen and unseen, known and unknown. We see ourselves as individuated but interconnected facets of Divine consciousness that are both the product of joyful Divine creativity and a partner in the expression of that creativity. We believe that science and spirituality go hand-in-hand and appreciate that contemporary experimentation in physics, particularly relative to Quantum Field Theory, lends support to our belief in the interconnectedness of all things. We believe that, as facets of Divine consciousness, we are eternal and that each lifetime is a page in the book of our never-ending experience.

Visit Us Because

  • You want a safe inclusive spiritual community committed to “walking the walk”.


  • ​You want spirituality committed to recognizing and honoring the Divine feminine as well as the Divine masculine.


  • You’ve been a solitary sincere seeker, but feel ready for company on your way Home.


  • You don’t feel drawn to any one particular traditional religion, but hold deep spiritual values.


  • You want a spiritual practice that combines the highest traditions of eastern and western values.


  • You’ve experienced spiritual or religious trauma and would like to heal your relationship with the Divine.


  • You want classes designed to deepen, mature, and fulfill your relationship with yourself, others, and the Divine.


  • You want to be part of a community where you are personally known, accepted, and valued.

Serving The Community

As part of our mission to promote personal and global peace, we provide education in the use of highly effective body-based tools for reducing stress, conflict, and unpleasant emotions. This is offered in a secular format through our Kinder Interventions program,* so that everyone, with or without spiritual background or interest, can benefit from having a set of tools they can use anytime to reliably improve their quality of life. 

Home: Mission
note and invitation

A Personal Note and Invitation from our Founder

Everyone’s journey Home is unique. Mine began with an intense life-long desire to help relieve the suffering I experienced all around me. Like many of us, growing up, it was difficult for me take comfort from a relationship with God because, while I could feel my love for God, I wondered how the God I was being taught to worship in Sunday school could allow the hurtful and seemingly unjust activities I experienced as routine parts of everyone’s daily lives.


I stopped participating in organized religious activities when I was twelve, when the practices of the church to which I belonged did not match the values they purported to teach and support. That was a painful decision that left me with a loneliness that many of us feel when there seems to be little point to life beyond sensory experience.


I believed I had left God. Happily, God had not left me. Indeed, the Divine spent the next two decades attempting, in sometimes dramatic fashion, to regain my attention; not because the Divine needs attention, but because, without feeling connection to Divine source, I was in pain, and the Divine unfailingly reaches out to provide comfort.

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Dr. Deborah Gabriel

 I resisted multiple efforts by the Divine to invite me back into relationship…going so far as to argue when, on a drive home, alone, from classes one day in the late 1980s, I heard a loud lovely voice say to me, quite distinctly, “MEDITATE”.  I believe many, and perhaps most, people would have pulled over at that point to contemplate what had just occurred.


Instead, treating a disembodied voice telling me to meditate as an everyday ordinary occurrence, I argued. I said, out loud and at the same decibel level as the disembodied voice, “Meditate? I don’t have time to meditate. I’m in a doctoral program!” Now, If I sound like an idiot to you, I offer you one of the principles that the Community lives by: “Intelligent people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from everyone’s mistakes.” Please feel free to learn from mine and join us for meditation on Tuesdays at 7pm PST.

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The Kinder Life Center

The peace and inspiration of nature, conveniently close to home

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Our Kinder Life Center, and its Annex, The Nest, located a half mile away, offer an extraordinary experience of peace and beauty only a half-hour from the main Microsoft campus.

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Our Gardens

Upcoming Events

upcoming events

Kind Communication

February 7th + March 7th 6:30pm - 9:30pm


Guru Purnima Retreat, 2025

July 8th - 13th


The Kinder Life Community is registered with the IRS as a 501c(3) charitable organization.  

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